…de la Western Mail:
It may be good to talk – as the old BT slogan claimed – but it may cost you more if you want to do so in Welsh.
It may be good to talk – as the old BT slogan claimed – but it may cost you more if you want to do so in Welsh.
BT customers who want to use the company’s online billing and 1571 answer phone services in Welsh could face paying up to £32.40 a year more than those using the services in English.
The disparity was last night cited by Welsh language campaigners as proof of the need for a broad Legislative Competence Order (LCO) to give the Assembly Government the powers to ensure people have the right to a comprehensive Welsh language service.
Currently, BT customers who receive their bills online pay £1.23 a month less than those who receive bills through the post.
But although paper bills are available in English and Welsh, online bills are only available in English.