Wednesday 10 September 2008

Scat t’Larrups? Ceres:

Back in August 2007 Our Kingdom published the article -You can't write us out of existence- which described the strength of feeling for the Cornish identity coupled with the unusually pig headed attitude of government in giving us any form of recognition. This stubborn behavior stretches from refusing devolution even when presented with proof of a popular demand to providing a long list of contradictory reasons why the Cornish should not be included in the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCPNM).

The Convention deals with a plethora of minority rights issues ranging from non-discrimination, equality before the law, the avoidance of assimilation and the promotion, through educational and other programs, of the minority identity, language, history and culture. The inclusion of the Cornish within the Convention has been the objective of the pressure group Cornwall 2000 and Cornish activist John Angarrack since the late 90's.

The months surrounding the release of Angarracks' latest book -Scat t’Larrups? Resist and Survive (reviewed here)- have seen a flurry of activity in Cornish circles culminating on the 5th of this month with the opening of a Cornish Fighting Fund, the intention being to mount a legal challenge against the governments decision to exclude the Cornish from recognition within the terms of the Convention.

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