Friday, 30 November 2007

Gazetistoj lernas la Manksalingvon Isle of Man Today:

Fastyr mie, ta mee cummal ayns Ellan Vannin asta beggan Gaelg aym.

As part of Manx Language Week members of Isle of Man Newspapers' editorial team spent a week learning the language.And Adrian Cain, the Island's Manx language development officer, really did put us through our paces...

* Dankoj al Aralt Mac Giolla Chainnigh!

Elvaj kaj Orkaj Lingvoj la Brown Daily Herald:

You won't find a course in Elvish or Orkish listed in the Banner course catalog, but "Lord of the Rings" fans seeking an expert in J. R. R. Tolkien's invented languages need look no further than Geoffrey Russom, professor of English and medieval studies. Author Tolkien created Elvish and Orkish, which are modified versions ofolder real languages, for his classic fantasy trilogy…

…Russom said Elvish and Orkish compound and disguise words drawn from Germanic languages such as Old English and Old Norse, and Celtic languages such as Old Irish, Old Welsh and Breton...

Skotgaela Plano

…de la Skota Parlamento:

The public is being asked to provide their views on the Scottish Parliament’s draft plan to strengthen the Parliament’s use and recognition of the Gaelic language. The plan includes initiatives in four key areas: communications with the public and other organisations; corporate and visual identity; publications; and supporting the use of Gaelic by staff.

Thathar air iarraidh air a’ phoball an cuid bheachdan a nochdadh mun dhreachd phlana aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba gus cleachdadh agus inbhe na Gàidhlig anns a’ Phàrlamaid a neartachadh. Tha am plana air a dhèanamh suas le tionnsgnaidhean ann an ceithir raointean mòra: conaltradh leis a’ phoball agus le buidhnean eile; aithne chorporra agus lèirsinneach; foillseachaidhean agus; taic ri cleachdadh na Gàidhlig am measg an luchd-obrach.

* Dankoj al Alasdair MacCaluim, Gaidheal kaj Esperantisto!

Thursday, 29 November 2007

Peticio por Dulingvaj Signoj

Ai 'ta !, strollad Tregeriz savet a-benn difenn ar brezhoneg, a c'houlenn dre ar sinadeg-mañ e vefe divyezhekaet tier-gar Bro-Dreger (Gwengamp, Lannuon, Plouared). Setu e c'houlennomp e vefe divyezhek ar skritelloù, ar c'hemennadennoù dre-gomz ha paperoù gant eurioù an trenioù, ha bezañ degemeret en brezhoneg. Nac'het en deus Renerezh Rannvro an SNCF lakaat un emgav ganeomp da heul al lizhiri kaset dezhe….

Ai 'ta !, Collectif trégorrois pour la défense de la langue bretonne, demande par cette pétition que la SNCF promeuve le bilinguisme dans les gares du Tregor (Gwengamp, Lannuon, Plouared). Nous demandons que les plaquettes horaires, l'affichage et les messages oraux soient bilingues, et la possibilité d'être accueilli en breton à un guichet. Suite à nos courriers, la Direction Régionale de la SNCF a répondu par la négative à notre demande d'entrevue. Or, pouvoir utiliser notre langue dans les lieux publics, notamment à la SNCF, est un droit que nous revendiquons….

* Kluku ĉi tie kaj ratifiku la peticion!

Daltaí na Gaeilge

…de la blogo, From the Balcony, de Máirtín Ó Muilleoir:

In the meantime, Daithí Mac Lochlainn of US Irish language learners network writes to say he's the guy behind the Bow Street Mall blog and that you can see more here. is symbolic of the growing interest among US citizens and students in the Irish language and makes you wonder if the Tourist Board should be given some money to promote the Gaeltacht Quarter.

Ysgol Abersoch

…de la Daily Post:

A village school under threat of closure could be saved – if the council set aside land where affordable housing could be built for local people, it was claimed last night.

Abersoch’s county councillor Wyn Williams hit out following a public meeting held to discuss the planned closure of the 19-pupil village school.

He said: “It is a matter of concern locally that Gwynedd council is so slow in identifying land for affordable housing for local people who just cannot afford to buy a house in Abersoch on the open market.”….

…In a letter sent this week to Gwynedd’s development director Iwan Trefor Jones, the school parents’ association, Cymdeithas Rhieni Ysgol Abersoch, has set out its arguments.

The letter says the reorganisation document lacks a community assessment of the effect of the closure on the village, particularly as far as the Welsh language is concerned…

Addysg Uwch Cymru icWales:

Plans to develop Welsh medium higher education have been launched. Higher Education Wales, which represents universities and HE colleges, drew up the strategy to identify and support academics who can teach through Welsh and to encourage more students to do so.

But Welsh language lobby group Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg claims the plan falls far short of the promise by the Labour-Plaid Cymru coalition government to deliver a Welsh-medium federal college.

Prof. David Reynolds

…de icWales:

Exactly three weeks ago we released our report on school closure for the Institute for Welsh Affairs. Now the dust has partially settled, where have we got to? And where now does policy need to go?

Some of the reactions to the report were predictably humorous. Kirsty Williams, the Liberal Democrat spokesperson on education in the Assembly, used the word “hype” about the study, at which the words “pot”, “kettle” and “black” come to mind. The Welsh language pressure groups landed the lowest blows of all – in alleging that we had only gone to schools that were known successes as seen by Pembrokeshire Council, a total fabrication of course.

How sad that people associated with the most noble cause – the Welsh language – are now the saddest act in town. The English-based pressure groups speaking for small schools issued venomous statements even though they have publicly and privately acknowledged that schools with fewer than 50 pupils are problematic...

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

“Paritie o Esteim”?

…de la blogo, From the Balcony, de Máirtín Ó Muilleoir:

Meanwhile, a wee éinín tells me Minister for Culture Edwin Poots announced in the Assembly yesterday a £3m windfall for Ulster Scots but with no matching funding for An Ghaeilge. Not bad going for a department strapped for cash.
But in all the arguments over funding for Irish, don't forget that we're talking about comparative chicken feed here because the real dough is with the decisions to locate major 60-year projects in the east of the city, like Minister Poots' new £28m Public Records Office. Before the Titanic Quarter is finished, it will have swallowed up investment of over £1bn, and fair play to it.

Malplimultaj Lingvoj en Francio la Agence Bretagne Presse:

Cela s'est fait discrètement et nous ne le découvrons qu'aujourd'hui. Le 16 juillet dernier, une proposition de loi constitutionnelle relative à la Charte des langues régionales ou minoritaires a été déposée à l'assemblée nationale par M. Daniel Mach, député UMP de la 1ère circonscription des Pyrénées-Orientales.

Le 13 décembre 2006, M. Mach avait déjà soutenu un amendement à l'article 2 de la Consitution, proposé par M. Marc Le Fur, député UMP de la 3e circonscription des Côtes d'Armor et aujourd'hui vice-président de l'assemblée nationale. A la suite de cet article qui dispose que « La langue de la République est le français », l'amendement proposait d'ajouter « dans le respect des langues régionales qui font partie de notre patrimoine. » L'amendement fut finalement rejeté par 57 voix contre 44 pour. (1)

Ai’ta! la Agence Bretagne Presse:

PEGOULZ ? Daou vloaz 'zo bremañ emañ Ai'ta ! o klask lakaat an SNCF da blegañ a-benn degemer ar brezhoneg en tier-gar amañ en Breizh.Goude meur a obererezh kaset da benn ganeomp e oa bet marc'hataet un emglev etre pennoù bras an SNCF ha dilennidi ar Rannvro evit « leuskel » ar rannvro hag ar c'humunioù o do c'hoant da lakaat un nebeut brezhoneg en tier gar meret gante : an tier gar bihanañ, pas ar re tejeve,meret gant an SNCF evel reoù Lannuon, Gwengamp, Plouared…

Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol la BBC:

Mae arbenigwr cyfrifiadurol wedi beirniadu'r Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol yng Nghymru am nad yw eu gwefan yn ddwyieithog.

Daeth y comisiwn i rym ar Hydref 1 pan gafodd y Comisiwn Cyfle Cyfartal, y Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb Hiliol a'r Comisiwn Hawliau Anabledd eu huno.

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Lingvalerni en Americo la Daily Californian:

More and more students across the country are turning their attention to foreign language study, according to a recent report released by the Modern Language Association.…

…According to data provided by the Berkeley Language Center, interest in more popular languages such as Spanish, French and German, has stayed the same or even declined, while more students are taking introductory courses in less widely taught languages such as Gaelic, Punjabi and Swahili...

Meas air Chrannaib

….de la Herald:

A unique literary work will be launched in Edinburgh tomorrow night which brings together the Gaelic, Scots and English languages.

The Skye-based poet Angus Peter Campbell's first poetry collection for 15 years contains 67 new Gaelic poems, alongside Scots-language versions by the renowned scholar and translator J Derrick McClure, and English-language translations by the poet himself…

… The work, titled Meas air Chrannaib in Gaelic, Fruit on Branches in Scots and Fruit on Branches in English, will be launched at the Scottish Book Trust HQ, Sandeman House, on Edinburgh's Royal Mile…

Monday, 26 November 2007

Bremaik la Agence Bretagne Presse:

Lennit Bremaik, ur gelaouennig hollvrezhonek embannet bep Lun war ar Gwiad ! Abaoe 2004 e c'hell ar vrezonegerien lenn pennadoù berr war lec'hienn Bremaik, a ginnig meur a rubrikenn : arzoù, sportoù, sonerezh, sinema... Pennadoù berr, aes da lenn, a vez savet bep sizhun gant ur skipailh tud a labour ivez evit ar gelaouenn Bremañ, embannet gant Pol brezhoneg Skol an Emsav.

Tu zo deoc'h kas ho chomlec'h postel da : hag e viot kelaouet bep Lun pa vo bet embannet ar Bremaik nevez !

La Irlandalingvo en Miĉigano la Times Herald:

Growing up in Ireland, Debbie Freeman learned Irish dancing from her mother and father...

...In addition to teaching dance moves, Freeman tries to teach her students Irish heritage and culture. During the classes she gives lessons on how to play Irish music, and she's choreographed dances to teach about Irish history.

She's also hoping to add lessons about Irish language and poetry.

"We wanted to have a whole Irish cultural program," Freeman said. "All the details of the Irish background."

“Tumoideachas” la Nenagh Guardian:

Half of all Gaelscoileanna, of which there are five in County Tipperary, 46 in Munster and 168 throughout Ireland will be directly affected by Minister of Education Mary Hanafin's proposal to end the practice of early immersion education.Gaelscoileanna Teoranta has this week launched a campaign fighting for the right to maintain early Immersion as an education policy in Irish medium schools.

Half of all Gaelscoileanna, of which there are five in County Tipperary, 46 in Munster and 168 throughout Ireland will be directly affected by Minister of Education Mary Hanafin's proposal to end the practice of early immersion education.

Gaelscoileanna Teoranta has this week launched a campaign fighting for the right to maintain early Immersion as an education policy in Irish medium primary schools...

PTI Cymru la Daily Post:

Welsh speakers are to get travel advice in their own language after a Porthmadog company won a contract to run a National Rail Enquiries hotline.

Call centre operator Galw has taken over the Welsh speaking service from a Newcastle firm which previously handled calls from across the UK – but only had one Welsh speaker.
Twenty-five full and part-time staff at Galw – Welsh for “call” – are now working under the new contract called Traveline Wales.

It means rail customers calling from anywhere across the UK are guaranteed they will talk to a Welsh speaker between 7am and 10pm.

Norman Gillies

…de la Press & Journal:

The director of Scotland's only Gaelic college is to be honoured by the Highland branch of the Saltire Society.

Professor Norman Gillies will receive the award for an outstanding contribution to Highland culture at the Culloden Visitor Centre on St Andrew's Day, on Friday.

Mr Gillies has been involved with Sabhal Mòr Ostaig at Sleat on Skye since the advent of its full-time courses in 1983. Under his leadership, the college has successfully expanded its academic provision and is now recognised as the National Centre for Gaelic Language and Culture.

Saturday, 24 November 2007

Llanelli Scarlets la Scotsman:

"In many ways, Llanelli is like the Borders in that it is the main town in a rural area, and the rugby club is the hub of the community. Everywhere west of Swansea is Welsh-speaking, and Welsh is the first language for at least half of the team and most of the supporters. When I go to do corporate things, everyone's always chattering away in Welsh, and after training you'll get little groups of players sitting, talking to each other in Welsh. It reminds you that this club is more than a job to them: it's part of their culture."

Seirbhis Dhigiteach na Gàidhlig la BBC:

The BBC Trust has withheld approval of plans for a new Gaelic Digital Service (GDS) until more evidence of its wider appeal has been demonstrated.

The trust also said further evidence of educational benefits must be shown.

The service has been planned in partnership between BBC Scotland and the Gaelic Media Service (GMS).

Giving its provisional conclusions, the trust said the new channel could deliver public value but that more information was required...

Koda Ŝalti icWales:

Welsh speakers slipping English into their speech should not feel guilty because it keeps the language alive, language campaigners and academics said yesterday.

Fears that Welsh is being watered down by English are unfounded, they said.

The comments coincided with the start of a major new research project into bilingualism in Wales.

Experts at Bangor University’s new Economic and Social Research Council’s Centre for Research on Bilingualism, said the fact that a language was constantly changing proved it was alive....

Friday, 23 November 2007

Scrooge en Lios na gCearrbhach la Andersontown News:

Bow Street Mall in Lisburn is refusing to hang an Irish language Christmas banner in the shopping centre – a year after telling the Andersonstown News it would.

Last December we photographed centre manager Les Hopson with the banner proclaiming a ‘Merry Christmas’ to shoppers in seven different languages including Irish – Nollaig Shona.

The photo was taken after readers of the Andersonstown News contacted the paper to say that they had been shopping in Bow Street Mall in Lisburn and although there were banners displaying Christmas greetings in several languages, there were none in Irish.

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

BBC Trust kaj Scotgaela la Guardian:

The BBC Trust has given the corporation's management four weeks to provide evidence that its proposed digital Gaelic language service is worth its £21m-a-year price tag.

The BBC Trust, which today published its provisional conclusions into the planned service, said that "unless further evidence is provided by the BBC executive … the trust was not satisfied it should approve the service".

BBC management has been told that the service is too expensive compared to the public value that it would provide - unless evidence can be provided that it will appeal to a wider audience and attract new speakers.

SALT Cymru la Daily Post:

A new project is being launched by Bangor University's Language Technologies Unit to provide businesses with opportunities in the multilingual global market.

The aim of the Speech and Language Technologies Wales – SALT Cymru – project is to form a specialist interest group that will partner researchers from Welsh higher education with small and medium sized businesses, public organisations and individuals in Wales.

SALT provides techniques for the computer processing of text, speech and knowledge, based on human language…

… The university's Language Technologies Unit, which develops language resources for the Welsh language, Celtic languages, and multilingual situations, is heading the SALT Cymru project.

The unit has already developed a number of software products such as spell checkers, grammar checkers and simple automatic translation, websites that speak Welsh through synthetic voices, and dictionaries.

Anyone interested in opportunities presented by the SALT Cymru can register at to be kept in regular contact with the project.

Delyth Prys, leader of the Language Technologies Unit, said: “The project will answer existing questions as well as raising new ones. It will present the state of play for SALT in Wales and internationally, and analyse the needs in Wales with special reference to SMEs and their potential markets.

“We live in an information society and the world-wide web is increasingly multilingual. This gives rise to new challenges and opportunities. We believe that SALT surmounts language barriers for e-commerce, education and international co-operation.”

Irlandalingvo en la Eŭropa Unio Radio Telefís Éireann:

Government ministers have been reminded to use the Irish language when possible on EU business.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dermot Ahern, briefed the cabinet today on the serious problem of getting qualified legal translators to translate European legal documents.
He said that it is an issue that needs to be addressed.

Bairbre de Brún UTV:

Northern Ireland Secretary Shaun Woodward should move now to introduce measures to promote the Irish language, a former Stormont minister insisted today.

Sinn Fein MEP Bairbre de Brun said as Irish language activists lobbied the European Parliament and European Commission officials about the need to protect the rights of Irish speakers in Northern Ireland that Mr Woodward could take measures for the language at Westminster.

"There is a need for specific measures at Westminster, measures relating to the media," Ms de Brun said.

"A lot of help has been given to languages in Scotland and in Wales and that has been done through Westminster.

"These are things that Shaun Woodward can and should do as of now.

"There are steps both the British Government and the Stormont Executive need to take as of now."