Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Irlandalingvaj Bankaŭtomatoj en Nov-Jorko?

…de Irish Central:

Chase Bank has promised the Irish community of New York that it will review requests by at least one of its Irish-speaking customers in Queens, that the bank extend the courtesy of multi-lingual ATM service to those in places like Woodside who speak Irish. The bank's ATMs currently offer residents the option of an interface in any number of neighborhood languages, including Spanish and Chinese….

… Bank of Ireland made the move a few years ago making all their ATMs Irish-optioned, and in so-doing are joining a whole new generation of brands that wish to recognize their Irish customers as other groups are so recognized with service and advertisement in their language…

*** Facebook-grupo establiĝis subteni irlandalingvajn bankaŭtomatojn. Klaku ĉi tie vidi ĝin. / Bunadh grúpa Feidhmcláir chun tacaíocht le úsáid na Gaeilge ar uathmheaísíní bainc. Gliogáil anseo á fheiceáil.

Mebyon Kernow

...de Ekklesia:

The Cornish party Mebyon Kernow (MK), have launched their manifesto for the general election, calling for a devolved legislative assembly for Cornwall and for the replacement of council tax with a progressive income tax…

… The party's manifesto commits candidates to fighting for all the people of Cornwall, whatever their background. MK insists that Cornwall had its own distinct identity, language and heritage and had as much right to self-determination as Wales and Scotland. …

… Mebyon Kernow's name derives from the Cornish for “Sons of Cornwall”. The Cornish language, which is closely related to Welsh and Breton, almost died out during the twentieth century, but a recent revival has seen a growth in the number of people speaking Cornish as a second language.…

Thursday, 22 April 2010

"Malplimulto Lingvoj en la Unuiĝinta Reĝlando"

…de la Konsilio de Eŭropo:

The Council of Europe Committee of Ministers has just made public the third report on the situation of minority languages in the UK. This report has been drawn up by a committee of independent experts which monitors the application of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.

On the basis of the report, the Committee of Ministers calls on the UK to continue taking resolute action for the protection and promotion of Scottish Gaelic in all areas, in particular in education, through the training of teachers and the production of teaching and learning materials.

Furthermore, the UK authorities are encouraged to adopt and implement a comprehensive Irish language policy, preferably through the adoption of legislation.

The UK should also ensure that health and social care facilities offer services in Welsh.

Finally, the Committee of Ministers recommends the UK to adopt a strategy to enhance and develop Ulster Scots, in co-operation with the speakers.

The regional or minority languages protected under the Charter in the UK are Welsh, Scottish Gaelic, Irish, Scots, Ulster Scots, Manx Gaelic and Cornish.

Ar Redadeg 2010

…de Ouest-France:

Impliquée dans la défense de la langue bretonne, la fédération Startijenn ar Vro Vigoudenn se lance dans la préparation de la Redadeg 2010.

« Cette course de relais individuels ouverte à tous, à travers les cinq départements bretons, symbolise la transmission de la langue des ancêtres entre les personnes et les générations en insistant sur son rayonnement culturel dans la Bretagne historique », rappelle Loïc Jadé, président de Startijenn. La course part de Rennes lundi 10 mai au matin et arrive à Pontivy samedi 15 mai vers 17 h. Entre-temps les participants auront contribué à parcourir 1 200 km en passant par Redon ; Nantes ; Saint-Nazaire ; Vannes ; Lorient ; Quimper ; Pont-l'Abbé ; Douarnenez ; Châteaulin ; les monts d'Arrée ; Brest ; les Abers ; Morlaix ; Guerlesquin ; Paimpol ; Guingamp ; Saint-Brieuc ; Saint-Nicolas-du-Pelem ; Carhaix ; Rostrenen, jusqu'au but à Pontivy. « Ce genre de course se pratique dans le Pays Basque sous le nom de Korrica et en Irlande sous celui de Rith », informe Loïc Jadé.

Diwan reprenait l'idée en 2008, en organisant une première Redadeg qui réunissait 10 000 personnes tout au long des 600 km alors parcourus avec un bénéfice de 66 000 €. Le but de l'opération consiste en effet à vendre des kilomètres pour récolter des fonds qui servent, outre à montrer l'attachement à la langue, à financer des projets favorisant la pratique du breton dans la vie sociale et familiale....


…de Market Watch:

...Curam Software is now driving the social welfare and pension systems in countries as far apart as the US and Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand," said HE Kenneth Thompson, Irish Ambassador.

"The name of the company is a word taken from the Irish language, meaning 'care and protection' and Governments in all of these countries put immense faith in the ability of Curam to care for and protect sensitive data both in their interests and in the interests of the ultimate beneficiary, the citizen."

The Irish Ambassador also noted that the company was a growing employer in India and expressed the "hope that Indian clients would also soon realise the advantages of using Curam's software which was in large part developed in Bangalore."...

Sunday, 18 April 2010

The Pipettes

….de WalesOnline:

For Gwenno and Ani Saunders, becoming The Pipettes is a long way from their childhood days in Cardiff spent singing, dancing and making cassettes.

Tomorrow’s release of their catchy new single Stop The Music, which shares the same producer as the Human League’s legendary Dare album, marks a radical departure for the former three-piece…

…Tri-lingual Gwenno and Ani – they speak Welsh, Cornish and English – have huge support from their parents, Cardiff mum Lyn and Cornish linguist dad Tim Saunders.

Ani said: “I think they like the fact we’re looking after each other. Our first language is Welsh, which we speak to mum and our second is Cornish, which we speak with our dad but we try not to speak either around anyone else so we don’t seem rude!”

Friday, 16 April 2010

Hebrea, Kimra kaj Irlanda Lingvoj

…de Irish Central:

Daithí MacLochlainn who does Irish language tours of downtown Manhattan told me he starts his tour on the docks by the Seaport Museum where they have one of the oldest examples on brick of grafitti ever written on a wall in New York, and it just so happens that the five lines of graffiti are written in Irish Gaelic. More on that later.

More to the point, MacLochlainn is the one who told me about the Welsh and how they use Israeli pedagogy to teach their rich Celtic language to foreigners and native Welsh alike in rapid time with great results--Welsh is a thriving widely-used language.

The Israelis developed a school called the Ulpan or אולפן. It's a "studio" setting for intensive language acquisition. The Welsh borrowed the school model and called it Wlpan, which is just a Welsh spelling on the Hebrew word…

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Féile na Gaeilge

…de la Ionad Ealaíne Éireannaí:

Saturday, April 24, Noon – 5:00pm

With special reception to honor Breandán Ó Caollaí and Carmel Callan for their commitment to Irish language in New York

Join the Irish Arts Center for a day of festivities, classes for ALL skill levels from beginner to advanced, live music, film screening, poetry reading, panel discussion and a special wine and cheese reception to honor our special guests. Meet other Irish language enthusiasts, expand and supplement your Irish language skills, and support the growth of Irish language in New York, New Jersey and beyond!

Admission: $30 general sale/ $25 members / $15 students

For more information or to reserve, please contact Rachael at 212.757.3318 ext. 209 or rachael@irishartscenter.org. Reservations should be made in advance to secure your spot in a class.
poetry reading, panel discussion and a special wine and cheese reception to honor our special guests. Meet other Irish language enthusiasts, expand and supplement your Irish language skills, and support the growth of Irish language in New York, New Jersey and beyond!

Admission: $30 general sale/ $25 members / $15 students; For more information or to reserve, please contact Rachael at 212.757.3318 ext. 209 or rachael@irishartscenter.org.

Meic Stevens

…de la Guardian:

Welsh-language rock legend Meic Stevens played last night to a packed out audience in a Cardiff bar.

In the intimate setting of Gwdihw Cafe Bar off Churchill Way fans crammed into the tiny space and waited patiently for Stevens to play after supporting acts Gildas, The Violas and Richard James.

The singer-songwriter from Solva has been called the 'Wesh Dylan' and was one of the first artists to record with Cardiff music label Sain. One of his most famous songs Y Brawd Houdini is a catchy number and last night's set included some bluegrass and reggae flavoured tunes for a captivated and enthralled audience…

Baile Monaidh

…de la Ballymoney Times:

Call from Sinn Fein to erect street nameplates in a language other then English has been squashed once again!

Despite being 'in accordance with Council's policy', the recommendation to proceed with the Irish signs was overruled at a recent Council meeting by a request for representatives from the Equality Commission to address the Health and Environmental Committee.

The news resulted in a hot debate mainly between SF Cllr Daithi McKay who slammed the decision as 'double standards' and DUP Cllr Mervyn Storey who said the issue was being used as a 'political football'...

Friday, 9 April 2010

"Mums of Looe"

….de la Western Morning News:

A campaign to make all signs at National Trust sites in Cornwall bilingual has received fresh backing.

The Kernow branch of the Celtic League has asked the trust to follow in the footsteps of Cornwall Council and English Heritage and display signs in both English and Cornish.

But the National Trust (NT) argues that the signs would have to be bigger to accommodate both languages, making them more unsightly and more expensive to manufacture.

Now a family group has backed the Celtic League's campaign, saying "the Cornish language is part of the history of Cornwall and should be preserved just like any other part of history".

Mums of Looe group wrote to the League following an appeal for support from the branch to introduce a resolution at the NT's annual general assembly this year.

Mums of Looe founder Katrina Ring, highlighted in a letter to the group the benefits of learning an additional language while still at school. Children at a primary school in the East Cornwall town have recently started learning the language...

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

An Muileann gCearr

…de la Westmeath Examiner:

Irish language signs could be the key to improving tourism and business across the Mullingar area councillors agreed at a meeting of Mullingar Town Council.

It was Cllr. Pat Collins who raised the need to upgrade signage on Mullingar streets and housing estates, suggesting that outdated signs could be replaced with bi-lingual ones.

Signs which were erected nearly twenty years ago have greatly deteriorated he said, pointing out the Mullingar Business Park as one of the more obvious areas for an overhaul, which is much needed for business generation.

Some of the housing states have no signage what-so-ever, he added.

While Cllr. Collins said he knew finance was a main factor in considering such a facelift, he asked that money be found from somewhere:

"There might even be a few bob if we went down the bilingual route," said Cllr. Collins.

Cllrs. Ken Glynn, Mick Dollard and Aidan Davitt all agreed with Collin's motion, with Cllr. Glynn saying the Council owed it to the buisness community of Mullingar to have better signage...


…de Ouest-France:

Le collectif Ai'ta a mené une action au siège de Vannes Agglomération. pour que les promesses soient tenues.

11 h 15, samedi. Une poignée de bretonnants se sont donné rendez-vous au siège de Vannes agglomération. Revêtus de t-shirts orange, ces membres du collectif Ai'ta ont apposé des autocollants E Brezhoneg ! En breton ! sur les voitures et panneaux d'affichages qui jouxtent le bâtiment de la collectivité.

Le but de la manoeuvre : faire valoir leur revendication, visant à rendre bilingue les signalisations dépendant de l'agglomération vannetaise. « Ce sont les panneaux à vocation touristique, explique un membre du collectif. Notre action vise aussi le nouveau logo de Vannes agglomération, qui n'est qu'en français. Leur site internet non plus, n'est pas traduit ! Alors qu'une des compétences de l'agglomération est l'identité du territoire, on a l'impression que la langue bretonne n'a pas sa place. »...

“Cén Teanga?”

…de la Irish Independent:

A television series for parents who want to raise their children on the Irish language was launched yesterday.

It will be a four-part series created by Comhluadar Teoranta -- a support group for parents raising children through Irish -- and Dublin Community Television which will air the series to about 200,000 viewers in the next couple of weeks on Chorus/NTL channel 802.

Cen Teanga?' will also be distributed in DVD-form to schools and libraries around the country, but won't be available to buy in shops.

"The idea behind it was to make a programme and show people the Irish-speaking community," said director Feargal O Cuilinn.

"There are interviews with families talking about their experiences raising their children through Irish in an Ireland where English is the first language," he said...

Siop y Morfa

…de la Rhyl Journal:

A Welsh-language bookshop which has been a fixture on Rhyl's high street for nearly 30 years has shut.

The closure of Siop y Morfa on Saturday marks the end of an era with owner Dafydd Timothy's family running businesses in Rhyl for four generations.

The decline of town centres, the rise of internet shopping and out of town developments along with tighter parking restrictions in Rhyl have been blamed.

Mr Timothy said: "It's very sad. It is the end of an era. I'm born and brought up on the High Street, the family has been in business in Rhyl for at least four generations...

Tuesday, 6 April 2010


...de la Evening Telegraph:

Scotland's biggest city is launching its "vision" to boost the use of Gaelic in the community.

The three-year action plan for Glasgow includes the opening of a second Gaelic school in the city.

Wider use of Gaelic on council signs and in relevant council communications including forms, press releases and letters is also planned.

Local authorities now have a statutory obligation to prepare a Gaelic Language Plan under the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005.

Glasgow City Councillor Aileen Colleran said: "We have a vision for Gaelic in our city and this plan sets it out.

"By 2020, the place of Gaelic will be obvious to all. We'll see it around us - in our buildings, on our streets and in our shops - we'll hear it in conversations, in our schools and in the media.
Our young people will be speaking it in Buchanan Street without feeling self conscious about it and people will recognise the language as Gaelic."...

Monday, 5 April 2010

DUP: “TUV Antaŭenigas la Irlandalingvon”

...de le Demokrata Unuecisma Partio:

DUP MP for East Londonderry Gregory Campbell has expressed his disgust at the inaction of the TUV’s sole representative on Limavady Borough Council Boyd Douglas.

At the 16th March 2010 council meeting a proposal was brought forward by the SDLP and Sinn Fein that the Roe Valley Cultural and Historical Centre should adopt a bi-lingual – English and Irish policy.

The DUP moved an amendment that any such change should be subject to a full Equality Impact Assessment and depending on the outcome of that assessment, full public consultation.

The vote on the DUP amendment was defeated 6-5 with the TUV refusing to back it. As a consequence of that vote a bi-lingual policy will be initiated at the centre without any equality assessment or public consultation...

Scoill Phurt le Moirrey kaj Bunscoill Ghaelgagh

…de isleofman.com:

Two primary schools on the Island are sharing the results of an external review with parents.

Scoill Phurt le Moirrey and Bunscoill Ghaelgagh, plus the Manx Language Unit, will share the comments of an external validation of their School Self Review and Evaluation (SSRE).

The process of SSRE is continuous and entails schools reviewing all aspects of their work and making judgments about what they are doing well and where they need to take action to secure improvement, explained Deputy Director of Education Stuart Dobson.

"This process supports schools in having a clear view of how to build on their current strengths to ensure they continue to offer the best possible learning opportunities to pupils," Mr Dobson said.

Sian Llyod

...de Wales Online:

Fascinated since childhood with its remoteness and Welsh heritage, Sian Lloyd had always dreamed of visiting Patagonia. Here, the presenter realises a lifelong ambition and finds waiting lists for Welsh schools and a people looking to the future of the language:

I have always had a sentimental attachment to Patagonia.

True, as a child attending Neath Welsh School and Ysgol Gyfun Ystalyfera, I had an awareness of the existence of a Welsh-speaking community in far-off South America, but it was nothing more than that....

Unuo Esperanto-Libro en Kimra

...de la BBC:

Harry Barron has published the first Esperanto text book in the Welsh language. In March 2010 he told us more about his labour of love.

Ever tried to learn a foreign language and got your head in a mess over conjugations, declensions and idioms?

Or even tried to learn Welsh but almost mutated working out those soft, nasal and aspirant mutations?

Gone abroad, spoke loudly and slowly at waiters and got just what you didn't ask for?

Frustrating, isn't it?

Well it was until now, at least for Welsh speakers! It has been demonstrated in various studies that learning Esperanto can improve your language learning abilities!

The first ever
text book in Welsh designed to teach the international language Esperanto has just been published....

* Informoj pri la okazonta Esperanto Kongreso en Llandudno (14-17 Majo) estas havebla ĉi tie. La tagordo inkluzivas enkondukon la kimran lingvon.