...de Design Week:
Sign designers know that signs should be kept simple. But when a client asks you to double the information by having dual languages, the task of keeping them looking simple becomes much more challenging.The opening of St Pancras International this month ushered bilingual English-French into the new Eurostar travel terminal created in London's King's Cross, with a careful wayfinding scheme devised by Tony Howard of Transport Design.
Sign designers know that signs should be kept simple. But when a client asks you to double the information by having dual languages, the task of keeping them looking simple becomes much more challenging.The opening of St Pancras International this month ushered bilingual English-French into the new Eurostar travel terminal created in London's King's Cross, with a careful wayfinding scheme devised by Tony Howard of Transport Design.
Meanwhile, designers working on projects in Scotland and Ireland are increasingly encountering requests for dual-language signage. The Scotland Government is currently working on a Gaelic Action Plan, which may lead to legislation for more use of the Scottish language alongside English.
Wales is further advanced in bilingual or dual-language design, with the Welsh Language Act having stipulated that two languages be used for public information since 1993. Many countries throughout the world use two - if not more - languages on their signs, and airports are an ideal place to see how dual-language signs can work - or fail.
Wales is further advanced in bilingual or dual-language design, with the Welsh Language Act having stipulated that two languages be used for public information since 1993. Many countries throughout the world use two - if not more - languages on their signs, and airports are an ideal place to see how dual-language signs can work - or fail.
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