Friday 10 April 2009

Letero de Churchill pri la Kimralingvo

…de la Western Mail:

A sarcastic letter written by Winston Churchill in response to demands by Welsh language campaigners during World War II is to go under the hammer later this month.

At the height of the war, the Welsh Parliamentary Party wrote to Churchill on December 3, 1941, requesting a meeting on a language petition signed by tens of thousands of people in Wales.

“We realise your great responsibilities in these days, and the limited time at your disposal, but we are deeply anxious to meet you,” the letter’s authors said.

The party referred to a petition signed by 394,860 people, asking Churchill to place the Welsh language on an equal footing with the English language in judicial proceedings and public services.

But, given this was one of the bleakest points of the war, it seemed Churchill’s diary was already rather full.

Four days later, on the date that Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Churchill replied: “Much as I should like to meet the deputation of the Welsh Parliamentary Party, I regret that, owing to the many tasks which fall to my lot at this time, it is impossible for me to arrange a date.”…

…He added that the letter was “pivotal” to the recognition of the Welsh language.

“This was obviously a big burning issue in Wales at that time, as the Welsh language was not encouraged.

“So this is one of the most pivotal events for the Welsh language…

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