Friday, 12 June 2009

Sinn Féin, Nov-Jorko kaj la Irlandalingvo


"We always assumed that Sinn Féin supported Irish so much that they would have banged the table, and shouted and roared their opposition to this act of short sighted cultural homicide.

But no, Sinn Féin agreed totally, with the result that Lá Nua, the first and only Irish language daily is no more and ten people in west Belfast's Gaeltacht Quarter were dumped onto the dole and started 2009 out of work."
~ Gearóid Ó Cairealláin

[*** Béidh Gearóid Mac Ádhaimh ag labhairt san Ostán New York Hilton, 6ú Ascaill agus 53ú Sráid, Nua Eabhrac, márach, Dé Satháirn, 13ú Mietheamh, ó 12 Meanlae go 2:30 i.n.

*** Gearóid Mac Ádhaimh parolos en la New York Hilton Hotelo, 6a Avenuo kaj 53rd Strato, Sabato, 13a Junio, de 12 Tagmezo al 2:30 ptm.]

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