...de la Nenagh Guardian:
On Sunday evening 1st instant, the usual monthly meeting of the committee of the Portroe Gaelic League was held. Rev. J. Donellan, P.P., president of the branch, occupied the chair and the others present were - Messrs. Nealon, O'Farrell, Keogh, Kennedy, Miss Seymour (treasurer) and the hon. Secretary.
Making arrangements for the language week collection was the chief business of considerable length. Language week, which is the one-week throughout the entire year set apart by the Gaelic League for replenishing its coffers by voluntary public subscriptions, begins this year on Sunday, 15th inst. That the Gaelic League deserves well of the public is now an accepted fact. There is no other organisation doing half its amount of practical good. Its motto has ever been not empty talk but work - solid work...
On Sunday evening 1st instant, the usual monthly meeting of the committee of the Portroe Gaelic League was held. Rev. J. Donellan, P.P., president of the branch, occupied the chair and the others present were - Messrs. Nealon, O'Farrell, Keogh, Kennedy, Miss Seymour (treasurer) and the hon. Secretary.
Making arrangements for the language week collection was the chief business of considerable length. Language week, which is the one-week throughout the entire year set apart by the Gaelic League for replenishing its coffers by voluntary public subscriptions, begins this year on Sunday, 15th inst. That the Gaelic League deserves well of the public is now an accepted fact. There is no other organisation doing half its amount of practical good. Its motto has ever been not empty talk but work - solid work...
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