…de la Gaela-Amerika Klubo:
You are invited to attend a one day Irish language immersion course presented by the Irish Language Class and Feile, Inc. Classes will be for beginners (no Irish), beginners (a little Irish), intermediate and advanced speakers as well as a variety of workshops. All skill levels are welcome.
The cost for the day is $45 which includes classes, workshops and lunch.
You are invited to attend a one day Irish language immersion course presented by the Irish Language Class and Feile, Inc. Classes will be for beginners (no Irish), beginners (a little Irish), intermediate and advanced speakers as well as a variety of workshops. All skill levels are welcome.
The cost for the day is $45 which includes classes, workshops and lunch.
Special Student Rate $25.00
Padraigin Thomas – padraigin@att.net
Cait Thopsey – Kthopsey@mail.fairfield.edu
Máire-Éilis Vollemans – meov@optonline.net
Our sponsor : Feile, Inc., is a charity devoted to the promotion of Irish Culture located at 74 Beach Road, Fairfield, CT 06824.
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