...de la Irish Times:
The High Court will hear a case today brought by schoolteacher against the Minister for Health and Children for failing to give a commitment that health warnings on tobacco products be shown in Irish and English.
The High Court will hear a case today brought by schoolteacher against the Minister for Health and Children for failing to give a commitment that health warnings on tobacco products be shown in Irish and English.
Caitríona Bn Uí Riain, a Ráth Cairn Gaeltacht teacher, is also challenging the Government's failure to ensure that health information regarding the tar nicotine carbon monoxide content of tobacco products is not shown in both languages.
Bn Uí Riain contends that the text of the information and health warning - which has no reference to the Irish language - is a breach Article 5 of the European Directive.
Article 5 of the European Directive specifies that information notices and health warning notices on tobacco products should be shown in the official languages of member states.
The first official language of the State is Irish, and the other official language is English.
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